Friday, February 11, 2011

Easy Chicken Parmesan

chicken breasts
bread crumbs
olive oil
salt & pepper
marinara sauce
diced ITALIAN tomatoes
Mozz cheese

Dip chicken breasts into 1-2 beaten eggs, roll around in bread crumbs, and slightly brown on pan covered in olive oil. Salt & pepper each side while it's cooking, then place into baking dish. Spoon marinara/tomato mixture around chicken breasts, but don't cover them. Cook for 45 min (give or take 10 min) @ 350. Cover chicken w/ mozz cheese about 10-15 min before it's done in the oven. Make noodles while chicken is cooking and you can use extra sauce mixture for noodles too. So so yummy and really easy!!!


  1. I haven't made chicken parm. forever and this recipe looks so delicious and easy. Thanks for sharing Missy! Mike and the kiddos will love this one.
